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All Our Schools
Sunny Varkey,
Founder, GEMS Education
The Global Teacher Prizes
The Global Teacher Prize serves to underlined the importance of educators and the fact that, throughout the world, their efforts deserve to be recognised and celebrated. throughout the world, their efforts deserve to be recognised and celebrated. throughout the world, their efforts deserve to be recognised and celebrated.
Read More-
Mr Sam Pedder3
Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
Mr Sam Ped
Assistant Principals
Mr Richards Lawton
Head of Year 13
Sqa testingMarlesh bob
Why do we do this? Easy...
Because we believe in the fundamental right of every child to access a quality education. And because inclusive schools are simply better, more vibrant schools, reflective of the real-world communities all children will be part of when they leave school. The GEMS vision for inclusive education is that we achieve excellence together by all students receiving the support they need to meaningfully belong to their school and wider community, feel valued for their contributions, engage purposefully in learning, and experience academic, cultural, social and emotional success in a common learning environment. Inclusion means truly accepting everybody, celebrating our differences and learning to value each other. It means understanding that we are not all the same and that our learning challenges are as unique as our fingerprints.
To find out more about the inclusion provision of each of our schools, visit any given school’s website.
The most important gifts you can give your child are a quality education and the values that will guide them through life.
Mr Sunny Varkey
Founder, GEMS Education