Green Growth Statistics
Green Growth Statistics are our way of measuring our success in decreasing our footprint on the planet. We have deployed the latest technology to monitor our impact and give us detailed insights into the exact areas where we need to improve.
Zafa Raja - Chief Operating Officer, GEMS Education
Education for sustainability, coupled with good estate management of schools, leads to schools that are energy efficient. Schools can lead the way in energy efficiency and sustainable use of resources by taking advantage of high-tech, modern tools to drastically reduce energy use.
GEMS has deployed EP&T’s EDGE Zeus technology at a number of schools, saving a huge amount of energy and money.

Waste Management
The World Bank estimates that waste generation will increase from 2.01 billion tonnes in 2016 to 3.4 billion tonnes in 2050. Today, at least 33 per cent of this waste is mismanaged globally through open dumping or burning.
At GEMS, as we prepare the next generation to be responsible global citizens. We see it as our duty to educate them on the importance of waste management and give them the tools, ideas, and frame of mind to make sound decisions about environmental best practices.
Our students learn how recycling can conserve natural resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while hazardous waste disposal can prevent contamination of soil and water sources. Add to that the importance of organic waste segregation and composting to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill and create nutrient-rich soil amendments for gardens and farms.
GEMS Education believes in leading by example. In 2023, Mrs Asha Alexander, Executive Leader – Climate Change at GEMS Education, together with Dulsco Waste Management Services, facilitated workshops for Managers of School Operations as well as the GEMS Global Ambassador teachers and students. These workshops assisted attendees to become more sustainable in their respective roles in school.
From April 2023, All GEMS Education schools began segregating and measuring their waste, as well as upcycling and recycling, with support from Dulsco.
Plant a Legacy
Legacy is something we leave behind. It’s learning from the past, living in the present, and building for the future. PLANT A LEGACY, or #PAL, is a worldwide planting drive that aims to restore and green desert environments. It focuses on experientially empowering students to be aware and conscious of climate change fallout and to do something about it. As part of the GEMS Global Ambassadors Programme (GGA), more than 40,000 trees have been planted across 42 countries to date.
More to Explore
At GEMS Education, climate literacy is not only well-embedded in our curricula, but also an integral part of them. We pride ourselves on having a United Nations-Accredited Climate Change Teacher in every classroom, thus making GEMS the world’s first certified climate change teaching-learning educational group.
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Every year we organise a host of meaningful sustainability-related initiatives across our network of schools. The GEMS Global Ambassadors’ Society (GGA) is a society of teachers and students responsible for spreading awareness and implementing these initiatives to assist GEMS and other schools in meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs).
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We attend and organise a number of sustainability events each year. These include local and international conferences and events; all helping to spread awareness and assist in combatting climate change.
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Close to two thirds of young people feel that not enough is being done to combat climate change, one in two lack confidence that the world will be able to stop climate change, and less than half feel a sense of optimism about the future.
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